Saturday 10 December 2011

First blog

Starting my blog today. Seven months into a change in diet that has changed my life. Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) in Oct 2008. First symptoms seen around 2004, initially mild. By April 2011 I was in bits with severe symptoms. Taking steroids and anti-immune drugs on the direction of my GP. The drugs caused me bloatedness, aching joints, water retention, hair loss, lethargy.

Now I eat raw fruit and veg, with some cooked veggies. No meat, fish, dairy, grains, caffeine, alcohol. No drugs. No symptoms

Improvements I have seen:
Complete remission of UC - reason enough on its own!
Better sleep.
Calmer temperament.
Joie de vivre.
More energy.
Better hearing and eyesight.
Whiter, stronger teeth.

If you suffer from a digestive disorder, consider a complete change of diet and take control of your own health and wellbeing.

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