Thursday 29 December 2011

Brother sufferer

This Christmas has been dominated by the news that my younger brother Paul, also has colitis. There are obviously genetic determinants to this disease. I have been occupied in the past few weeks as a dietary coach for my brother. He has gone for my approach to diet, without prompt or pressure. Having experienced two weeks of violent symptoms, he sought my advice and we have worked from there. I'm glad to say he is recovering well. He is however, finding the diet transition difficult, as did I. Going to restaurants becomes more chore than pleasure and family meals become a headache. That said, we are lucky to have an understanding family behind us.
He is reading the book that changed my life - "Self-Healing Colitis and Crohn's" by David Klein. Recommended reading.

Saturday 10 December 2011

First blog

Starting my blog today. Seven months into a change in diet that has changed my life. Diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) in Oct 2008. First symptoms seen around 2004, initially mild. By April 2011 I was in bits with severe symptoms. Taking steroids and anti-immune drugs on the direction of my GP. The drugs caused me bloatedness, aching joints, water retention, hair loss, lethargy.

Now I eat raw fruit and veg, with some cooked veggies. No meat, fish, dairy, grains, caffeine, alcohol. No drugs. No symptoms

Improvements I have seen:
Complete remission of UC - reason enough on its own!
Better sleep.
Calmer temperament.
Joie de vivre.
More energy.
Better hearing and eyesight.
Whiter, stronger teeth.

If you suffer from a digestive disorder, consider a complete change of diet and take control of your own health and wellbeing.