Tuesday 15 January 2013

I should point out, that while I am essentially a raw food vegan -upwards of 75% of my calories are from raw fruits and greens- I am not some sort of eco-warrior hippy type. This is purely for health reasons and I continue to see the benefits. Anyone interested in this lifestyle should definitely read "The China Study" by Colin T Campbell. Also, check out his posts on YouTube and those of Dr Esselstyn. As for the protein argument I in reply say "Where does our closest living relative the Chimpanzee get it's protein? Not from meat". Most plants foods contain around 5% protein and in the form of amino acids - protein building blocks. I have noticed no diminishment in muscle strength since becoming vegan - now 20 months in. The body can start building protein from the amino acid building blocks. Meat protein has to be broken down by the digestive system before being rebuilt and we don't possess the same digestive system as carnivores. The stomach acid of a dog is 1700% more acidic than ours. We are not carnivores, we are not even omnivores and if we are we should only be consuming a tiny proportion of meat in our diet, not the ridiculous amounts most westerners currently consume.

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